Our Aims
At Inmans Primary School we strive to develop the full potential of all our pupils.
We aim to:
- enable our pupils to achieve their full potential
- create a happy school where pupils work hard and enjoy their school life in a secure and caring environment
- provide each child with access to the National Curriculum within a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant curriculum
- encourage the development of literacy and numeracy within the curriculum
- respect the rights of individuals irrespective of their race, disability, gender or age
- create a school community which supports all of its members and the local community
- develop pupils’ ability to become independent learners and work cooperatively
- develop pupils’ ability to respect themselves and others
- raise pupils’ self-esteem and self-confidence
Ethos and Vision
Together we will build a fun, safe and caring school that promotes the joy of learning, high personal achievement, respect for individual differences, dignity for all and equal opportunities by eliminating discrimination. At Inmans Primary School we will provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced, engaging and interesting, focused on the individual needs of each pupil and able to develop academic, functional, vocational and creative skills.
We will nurture, encourage and listen to every voice in our community, including pupils, parents and carers, friends and staff. Maximising the potential of every pupil will be placed at the heart of all decision making. We hold regular PEG (Parent Engagement Group) meetings which are open to all parents and carers to discuss upcoming events and to gain feedback from parents about all aspects of school life.
All our pupils will be valued for their individual contributions and their talents celebrated. We will support all pupils to leave as confident and independent individuals, armed with the necessary skills to ensure that they can advocate effectively for themselves. We will support pupils to pursue their ambitions, attain full social inclusion and achieve a high quality of life.
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