Mrs T Faulkner

“We are all thrilled to have this fantastic provision within our school.
The unit will provide support to the school’s pupils but also the wider area.
Thanks to all concerned for making this possible”


Inmans Primary School is a mainstream school. We value all our pupils and their abilities and achievements and we are committed to providing the best possible environment for learning. We make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all pupils whilst meeting pupils’ individual needs. We recognise the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum and the need for teaching that is fully inclusive so pupils can meet their full potential.

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. At Inmans Primary School this includes children who:

  • have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age
  • have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities.

All children at Inmans Primary School with SEND will be provided with opportunities to ensure that their education is personalised to their learning so that they can make the best progress whilst being included in the life of the school. At Inmans Primary School, we recognise that each child has a variety of abilities and that children with SEND will require additional support, over and above the usual differentiated activities to enable them to access a broad and balanced curriculum, both in our mainstream school and our Designated Provision Units. We believe every child should have the opportunity to participate to the best of their ability and be integrated into the everyday life of the school. All children at our school are valued and respected and we respond with sensitivity to their individual needs.

Mrs T Faulkner – SEN co-ordinator :


Tracy Faulkner


The three stages of SEND support at Inmans Primary School are:


(info coming soon)

SEN Graduated response

(info coming soon)

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

If children fail to make progress, in spite of high quality, targeted support with intervention & SEN Graduated response, we may apply for the child to be assessed for an EHCP.  Parents are fully consulted at each stage.  Parents and external agencies may also request an EHCP, in which case the school will provide appropriate information to the Local Authority (LA).
Generally, we apply for an EHCP if the child has a complex disability and / or the child’s achievements are so far below their peers that it is not possible to meet the child’s needs from within school’s resources. Having a diagnosis (e.g. of ASD, ADHD or dyslexia) does not necessarily mean that a child needs an EHCP. Each Local Authority provides assessment guidelines on thresholds for EHCP’s. For more guidance please see the Local Offer.
If the application for an EHCP is successful, a member of the Local Authority will call a meeting for parents, the child and the school together with any health or social care professionals who are involved with the family.  The meeting will record the child’s strengths, their dreams and aspirations as well as the barriers they face.  Following the meeting, the Local Authority will produce the EHCP which will record the decisions made at the meeting.


Some children may be asked to take part in an intervention. An intervention means that extra provision is provided to support a child’s learning. Some children may carry out an intervention in a large group, small group or 1:1. We use interventions that cover a wide range of needs, please see our list below and click on them to find out more information about them.

Additional Readers

Structured one-to-one or small group interventions for learners who find reading at their expected level challenging

Bereavement Support

Grief support is a one-to-one intervention with our ELSA who aims to help people cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive responses to loss

Dough Disco

Dough disco is an intervention for sensory and/or physical needs that involves moulding dough in time to music and performing different actions such as rolling it into a ball, flattening it, putting each individual finger into the dough, rolling it into a sausage and squeezing it

Drawing and Talking

A person-centred, therapeutic playworker approach. This intervention is a short-term therapy to be used by a person who has suffered from trauma or has underlying emotional difficulties


ELSA is an intervention lead by the emotional literary support assistants who provide the emotional support for children and young people

English Box

Developing reading comprehension skills and the understanding and application of grammar, punctuation and spelling, for children throughout the school

Individual Behaviour Monitoring

A system that monitors patterns such as destinations, frequency and identified behaviour incidents, and/or volumes exchanged which indicate whether the behaviour exceeds the specific baseline


Lexia Core5 Reading supports children to meet their target through an explicit, systematic, personalised learning scheme that focuses on the six areas of reading intrusion

Making Maths Magic

This is the East Riding of Yorkshire equivalent to the Primary National Strategy ELS programme and is used to support the basic application of maths skills

Maths Box

Developing number recall and application of mathematical reasoning for children throughout the school


NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention) is a speech and language programme that includes group sessions and individual sessions aimed at reception age pupils


NumBots is an online maths game which supports children with their understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction so that they move from counting to calculating


Multi-sensory approach to teaching maths that is designed to help children understand maths connections through a range of multi-sensory activities

Reading Box

Developing reading, understanding and comprehension skills for children throughout the school


Rapid aims to move KS2 pupils from a reading age of 5.6 years to a reading age of 8+ years. It has 12 reading levels, which comprise six stages and correspond to National Curriculum reading levels

Same-day interventions

Same-day interventions are designed to address misconceptions identified by the teacher within the classroom on the same day

Sensory Circuit

Short sensory motor activities to help children settle into the school day. The aim is to focus concentration in readiness for the days learning


SaLT (Speech and Language Therapy) is a skilled group of teaching assistants who work with children and one to ones on a regular basis they provide support towards targets set by Speech and Language Therapists


At Inmans Primary School we believe that communication between the school and parents is vital to provide the best support for your child. We operate an ‘open door’ policy. This means that we welcome you to phone, email or come in to meet with us at school as often as you feel is helpful to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you have.

Consulting with Parents/Carers

Parents and carers are always welcome to come in and discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you have. It is important to us that we work with you and your child, as a team, to secure the best possible outcomes and teachers will meet termly with parents and children to secure this aim. We are also able to signpost you to various outside agencies which may be able to support you and your child at home/school or offer further advice.

Involving Your Child

All meetings in school are now person-centred. Children are asked to contribute towards their termly review of progress and their one-page profile by identifying what they feel they are good at and what helps them learn. Furthermore, the targets set are directly related to class literacy or numeracy targets to ensure the targets are meaningful and ‘smart’. If a child’s area of need is emotional/behavioural these targets are discussed and agreed with the child. Any targets are written in child-friendly language which can be easily understood.

Termly Review Of Progress

If your child has Special Educational Needs, you will be invited to a Termly review meeting where you can contribute to discussions on your child’s strengths, needs and desired outcomes and the strategies and resources which will be used to work towards these. Every child with an identified special educational need works with a member of staff to create a profile, this details what the child feels are their strengths, needs and the most effective ways of engaging and supporting them.
Once a child has been identified as having SEN, the class teacher will invite parents to a meeting to:
*Let them know that their child is being placed at SEN Support
*Discuss assessments that have been completed
*Together agree a plan and provision for the next term


We have support in place for when children are moving to and from Inmans Primary School, when moving year groups/key stages and moving to higher education, a thorough transition process which is adapted and personalised to each child is put in place. Please see the detail below of the process that will happen.

Transition To EYFS at Inmans Primary School

The Nursery/Pre-School SENCO meets with our EYFS staff to discuss any pupils needing support and a further meeting with the SENCO at Inmans is arranged if necessary.

Transition between year groups/key stages

In terms of transition between year groups/key stages systems are in place to ensure that the following class teacher is aware of specific needs and next steps in learning. For example, they attend the Summer term annual review for children with EHCP’s and also the support plan review session which is held with parents. Additional transition visits are arranged and transition books are prepared for children on the SEND register.

Transition To Secondary School

There are a number of transition meetings which take place throughout the school. Meetings take place between ourselves and the feeder secondary schools to prepare the Year 6 children for
their transfer to secondary. These meetings are held to share data, attendance, individual education plans and pastoral information.

The SENCO at Inmans Primary speaks with the SENCO at all receiving secondary schools to discuss each child and the support they have had/will receive. This usually takes the form of a transition meeting and parents and Outside agencies are invited if appropriate.

Additional transition visits to the feeder secondary school also take place on a regular basis for specific pupils prior to transfer. These visits take place to coincide with key times of the secondary day e.g breaktime/ lunchtime, as well as fact finding days to look at the building and meet key staff.


Our Inclusion Pod is an enhanced provision that supports pupils from the school and the Local Authority. Our staff are specially trained in the theory and practice of inclusion in schools. We aim to provide a bespoke programme of education, specialising on the needs of children with ASC, who are finding adapting to mainstream school life challenging and sometimes overwhelming.

The Inclusion Pod is a purpose-built Enhanced Resource Provision unit and it has capacity for 12 pupils.

Zone one

is the learning area and has a classroom like feel and workstations.

Zone two

is made up of the following 3 rooms:

The Sensory Room – This contains a ‘dark den’ and has sensory play equipment.

The Continuous Provision Room – This area is where the children can engage in creative activities (arts, crafts, food preparation, games and lego) and learn through play based experiences.

The Small Group-Work Room – This contains a safe space for children to work alongside one another collaboratively with an interactive whiteboard.

Zone three

is the outside area where children are able to learn through play as well as complete sensory circuits and gross and fine motor skill activities.


What is a local offer?

The local offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.

The local offer provides information on a number of things, including:

* special educational provision;
* health provision;
* social care provision;
* other educational provision;
* training provision;
* travel arrangements for children and young people to schools, colleges and early years education; and
* preparing for adulthood, including housing, employment and leisure opportunities.



Local Offer LOOK AHEAD is the service in East Riding of Yorkshire for parent carers of children and young people, aged 0-25 years, with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This service is provided by FISH (Families Information Service Hub).

When you join LOOK AHEAD there are a whole range of benefits available to you! These include:

  • Local offer newsletters: full of information and articles, posted to you every term.
  • Local offer bulletins: emailed to you every fortnight, informing you of activities, support groups, events and courses.
  • invitations to local offer events and workshops across the East Riding.
  • Discount cards and much more.


The 0-25 SEND Team sits within Children and Young People’s Specialist Services. The role of the team is to support children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and their families, to access the support they need. The 0-25 SEND Team incorporates three specific team roles; the whole team work together to support children and young people with SEND from birth to 25.

The team is made up of Intensive Family Coordinators, Family Coordinators, Family Coordinators (Portage) and SEND Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Officers, who provide a key role to families of children and young people with an EHCP who require support relating to the child’s special educational needs and disabilities. This support is often provided alongside other partner agencies.

The team operates across the whole of the East Riding and is split into three geographic areas: North, East and West. Each geographic area is line- managed by an Intensive Family Coordinator and is made up of four Family Coordinators, one Portage practitioner and one SEND Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) officer.



The Families Information Service Hub is known as FISH. The friendly, helpful FISH team operates a helpline offering free, impartial information for young people, parents and carers and professionals who have a role in supporting families. FISH is a ‘one-stop-shop’ where you can get details of services in the East Riding for children and young people aged 0-20 years.



East Riding Children’s Centres have developed a complete range of activities and services for young children, their families, carers and pregnant women to meet the individual needs of each centres community. All the services the centres provide are free. The services are inclusive for children and parents with additional needs. They work closely with health professionals, nurseries, schools and other agencies and services to provide a wide range of support.




SENDIASS offers impartial, confidential information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people (aged 0-25) and children and young adults (up to the age of 25) with special educational needs or disabilities.



East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum (EYPCF) is for the parents and carers of children and young people (0-25 years) who have any special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and live in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The aim of the group is to try to ensure that parents and carers are involved in shaping services within the East Riding of Yorkshire that may impact on their children.



The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) helps young people up to the age of 18 years old, who are struggling with their emotions, relationships, personal development or their behaviour.

You will need to have a referral made to Contact Point, this could be via:

  • a professional you are seeing who will complete an online referral form for you or your parent could phone Contact Point
  • If you are over the age of 16 you can phone Contact Point yourselfContact Point Numbers
    Hull – 01482 303688
    East Riding – 01482 303810




Special Stars Foundation is a not-for-profit registered charity. Their focus is to improve the quality of life for people with significant learning and physical disabilities and their families across Hull and East Yorkshire. They achieve this by providing a diverse calendar of creative learning and social activities. They also offer a range of support, training and advice services for parent and carers.